I’m Beverly! I am a maker, author and educator, crafting high-quality costumes based on pop culture characters as well as elaborate original designs.
When I’m not crafting a new costume or tutorial in my workshop in Portland, Oregon, I travel to conventions across the country to host workshops and lectures designed to help makers of all experience levels refine and learn new skills. Contact me for inquiries!
Design - Pattern - Create!
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Learn how to make costumes and props with EVA foam and thermoplastics! My new 240-page how-to book Cosplayer's Ultimate Guide to EVA Foam was released at the end of 2022 and has been called by many “the bible” of working with EVA Foam. Digital and signed copies available in my shop.
Join me on March 15th for a Virtual Event!
Join me for this FREE learning opportunity!
I’ll be putting on my “student” cap for this amazing event hosted by my friends at DIME on Saturday, March 15th at 11 AM PST. We’ll be learning all about their new software “Cosplay Stitchery” TOGETHER!
The thing I am most excited about is that this software works with my Mac computer! I have always felt out of the loop regarding embroidery software, so this is a game-changer.
Join me for a fun and inspiring learning session! It’s totally free!
Here is a small sample of the most popular shop offerings
View the entire shop for more digital patterns, books, project kits, and gift cards!
I’ve been featured in a brand-new docuseries about cosplay along with many other incredible makers of our beloved community!