My Book is one of Adam’s Favorite Things!

At the end of each year, Adam Savage and his team talk about their favorite things. I have always looked forward to their roundups because of all the neat and really cool objects and tools that they share! Tested recently posted an update to the 2023 series to include a few things that Adam wanted to include in the big roundup. Imagine my surprise to see my book as one of the items! I look up to him as a maker and have learned SO much from him. To say that I am honored that something I wrote was one of his favorite things is an understatement.

It’s beyond awesome.

You should really check out the video for yourself. There’s a few other VERY cool things that he talks about - things I didn’t know about until that video - which happens a lot when I watch his channel!

Writing any kind of how to manual requires real empathy, and I feel like every picture in Beverly’s book displays the empathy that is intrinsic to her amazing character.
— Adam Savage, Tested

You can get a copy of my book anywhere books are sold, including right here! I love signing books and shipping them to their new homes. The digital version of my book is also available here.

SIGNED! Cosplayer's Ultimate Guide to EVA Foam
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SIGNED! Cosplayer's Ultimate Guide to EVA Foam

SIGNED & shipped by the author (that's ME!) 😊

Costumers, cosplayers and makers!
This is the ultimate guide for creating with EVA Foam! This is a HUGE how-to book with 29 chapters and over 1000 images, product charts and illustrations to help you learn everything about creating, designing and patterning with EVA foam, including how to pattern, smooth gaps & seams, use attachments, paint, and create awesome costumes and props. Follow step-by-step processes to level up your skills as a foamsmith!

This 240-page beast of a book is designed for anyone and everyone that wants to learn all my secrets, tips and tricks. This is a wonderful, valuable resource for anyone of any skill level to learn how to use this awesome material!

No fancy or expensive equipment required!

Beverly Downen

Beverly of Downen Creative Studios is an internationally published professional author, award-winning cosplayer and creator, crafting high-quality costumes based on pop culture characters as well as elaborate original designs. She travels across the country to host workshops and lectures at events, and has a passion for writing extensive tutorials. In 2018 she founded SheProp, a maker forum for female, non-binary and transgender cosplayers, and is the executive producer of all programming and events. She’s worked with many industry companies including Marvel, Worbla, Smooth-On, PlaidFX and MicroMark and has been featured on Tested, Be Amazed, and NW Nerd Podcast. Her 240-page how-to book Cosplayer's Ultimate Guide to EVA Foam was published in 2022 and is available on bookshelves everywhere.

Maker Academy Workshops at ECCC!


2024 Guest Announcement: Anime Boston!