Feature: Alter Egos Docuseries!


I can’t believe I get to share this incredible news with you. I’ve been featured in a brand-new docuseries about cosplay along with many other incredible makers of our beloved community! This 6-part series also stars Adam Savage (!!), Yaya Han, Kamui Cosplay, my husband Brett Downen 💗, Joshua Duart, Terry English (the legend!), Pros and Cons Cosplay, Knightmage, Mikal Mosely, SKS Props, Judy Stephens, Andi Serpenti Cosplay, Mochii Bunny Cosplay, the Cosplay Journal.. and more! Whew!

Pre-order the entire series before August 31, 2024 and save 50% off!
That’s $19.99 for all 6 parts of this beautiful project that I am SO proud to be part of.

Alter Egos World Premiere


August 31, 2024


Alter Egos World Premiere 〰️ August 31, 2024 〰️


Coming to DragonCon? Grab a seat at the world premiere!

Where: Hilton Salon
When: 7pm
Seating is first come first serve
Free admission!
Badge ribbons while supplies last :)



Beverly Downen

Beverly of Downen Creative Studios is an internationally published professional author, award-winning cosplayer and creator, crafting high-quality costumes based on pop culture characters as well as elaborate original designs. She travels across the country to host workshops and lectures at events, and has a passion for writing extensive tutorials. In 2018 she founded SheProp, a maker forum for female, non-binary and transgender cosplayers, and is the executive producer of all programming and events. She’s worked with many industry companies including Marvel, Worbla, Smooth-On, PlaidFX and MicroMark and has been featured on Tested, Be Amazed, and NW Nerd Podcast. Her 240-page how-to book Cosplayer's Ultimate Guide to EVA Foam was published in 2022 and is available on bookshelves everywhere.


Free Demo at the Battle Ground Community Library, Washington